It's been unsustainable for a lot longer than a year and 4 months.
Tax revenue goes up when we come out of a recession. That's one of the big reasons that tax revenues went up when Bush and Reagan cut taxes,...
Really, who gives a s**t? Bush held hands with a Saudi prince like he was his girlfriend.
So where are you reading that from my post? What I'm poinitng out is that I'm always hearing from conservatives that liberal actors need to shut...
So when a liberal actor voices his political views, he's an idiot and no one cares about his opinion, but if a conservative actor who happens to...
All I see here is a statement that insurance companies can not deny to cover children with pre-exisiting conditions. Do you have a link to the...
So you only hang with people who think just like you?
Houston Nutt is the Dale Brown of college football
And probably bring about the Apocalypse.
Amen, I''m glad that's going away
No way
Montgomery gets a hand on it. Typical spring game, I guess I hate Fowler
I agree, neither look very good, but JJ looks really bad. Also, as much as I hate to agree with James and crew, our DL looks a little light in the...
Of course no proof Kucinich, who lived in 21 places by the time he was 17 -- "including a couple of cars'' -- cited his own struggle with...
I came out as a centrist liberal. Some of the answers, I just had to pick the one that was the least disagreable.
Here in BR it's LSU. NO it's the Saints. My daughter's fiance is from Covington. He watched the LSU bowl game with us,he was into it, but not like...
No, and I think Miles is smart enough to know that this season is going to have to be better (not going 0-3 against Ole Miss, bama, Fla) No...
Looks like she's decided to go the Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, etc. My guess is she'll be no more electable than they are.
A fact conveniently ignored by Fox supporters.
Question is, are you going to be around if (when) bama stubs there toe?