There is the leader board for total defense. Hell...we are only 35th
Do i get a prize for not winning a single game?? I take it as a sense of accomplishment for not doing any homework and since this was my first...
Here you go S.F....
Dang Crip...what time did you start drinking were on a roll!
Maybe it is the lack of having no coach. Its like at work when you have too many chiefs trying to run things. Miles needs to find a D.C. and it...
I got an idea....why dont you go into work tomorrow morning and stick around there and let us know if and when they leave. :grin:
I was wondering the same thing....his last activity was in August. He lives here in Charleston and for the last game game he invited me over for...
Not to hijack this thread or anything...but while shopping in the mall in Columbia on Sunday, I saw an Office board game.
This is quoted from a guy on CockyTalk...
I just hope we can have him in the game this saturday and against Bama!...
I sat in Sec 1 Row 13 on the USC side across the entire stadium from TGBFTL and I could here them loud and clear. I was sitting in my family's...
Up and at 'em. Loading up the car and about to head west for an hour and a half drive to Columbia. PERFECT football weather today. High's in...
Hungry anyone?? CLEARFIELD, Pa. - It took Brad Sciullo 4 hours and 39 minutes to finish a...
is it one of those cupholders that goes between the door and the window in your car??? would help hold your beer or bloody mary as you drive into...
He was born in the Fertile Myrtle (Myrtle Beach that is) and now lives in R-Kansas. The gene pool there is not very clean. His profile said he...
Well...there is one in Virginia if that helps...its a "ria" though.
Re: STANDINGS Week 5 (UPDATED) (NEW Total Player Points Added) Everybody is a freaking comedian on this site! :grin:
They just got the news of a lifetime Monday that they may have a chance in beating Clemtech this year.
:LSU231: - 24 S. Car. - 17
You can pay me to go... My last 3 road games were Vandy in 2005, Peach Bowl in 2005, and TN in 2006. Also, if you count me driving from S.C. to...