If nootch still has that big a$$ buoy, you may be able to pull the alien excuse off.
I have that same problem sometimes. Of course the people eating are not going to say anything bad about the food for fear of not getting any...
5 days until the game...who can come up with the best sign for gameday for this great occasion we have?
Well...why dont you go into his cage this Saturday and coax him into his trailer! :grin::grin:
It takes a big person to admit when he is wrong...:hihi: Also, I hope they are back for next year. I hate when kids leave a year early and throw...
Get off your a$$ girl and do it yourself. You should know us men are not worth a crap to do stuff like that. You would never catch me hanging a...
:eek: That's a lot of beer going into a pot...or do I just add a can or two to the couple gallons of water that the pot holds?
:eek::eek: How much screaming baby is going to be in the background? And, is there going to be any chance of hearing your wife yell at you for...
Sorry...he said this Maybe you can convince him otherwise....i dunno:huh:
If I cook ribs inside, I normally use country style ribs that are singles. I then boil them in a pot of water that has onions and peppers,...
This may throw this all in a loop, but at the S. Carolina game i saw a USC student chuck a cup full of ice from the student section in the end...
Re: Weekly STANDINGS (UPDATED Through UGA) It is good to know that you can appreciate excellence when you see it! ;)
I count almost 40 players that are Seniors and Juniors. http://www.rolltide.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/alab-m-footbl-mtt.html
Holy crap that was funny!
Re: just read this entire thread It was cold outside this morning...Frost covered the ground.
This goes with what red said about the ham and beans...try it over some hot cornbread...yummy!
Can they both lose??
Re: STANDINGS Week 5 (UPDATED) (NEW Total Player Points Added) :huh:
I would settle for Cap One or Chick-Fil-A (if that is what it is still called today). Easy drive for me. When I went to Orlando in '04 had a...