PHUCK PHLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Fuck!
Stacey where have you been all night! You show up and we hit a 45 yard touch down. Well, better late than never i guess.
Stingily may have just won this game!
Amazing what pressure dose!
I think we will be blitzing the rest of the night
Finally called a hold!
Disagree on Delpit, look at that again, no way anyone could have held on to that ball.
We need the D to get some stops.
Offense looks fired up!
Good evening everybody. GEAUX TIGERS!!! and PHUCK florida.
Can't wait to phuck phlorida!
KiKi syndrom, must be contagious.
Rules? We don't need no stinking rules!
The golf course.
Absolutely great weekend, super group of guys, Kyle was an unbelievable host and cook. I told Shane we had a 3 o'clock tee time on Friday, he...
Ok guys I'm heading for South Louisiana, see you all today and/or tomorrow. Safe travels everybody.
Wouldn't have matter, Les would not have let him run his offense. How many OC's did we have when Les was the coach and it seemed like the offense...
Did you ever get @tirk to come this weekend?
I was a freshman at LSU at the time dimwad! And besides,she was old for her age.:p