Pesky facts doesn't bother a gump. To him, only bama can beat bama. The national championship game should be the bama spring game every year.
Anal herpes- that kinda reminds me of Robert smith. I guess that explains some of their love of west coast, PAC-12 teams.
I'm glad that arky can finally find someone to be their rival. Sorry arky, were just not that in to you.
Arkansas isn't a big market. Wvu isn't a big market. They were both picked to beat lsu. Both have at least two loses and were both praised as to...
Can someone honestly tell me why they disrespect lsu like they do? When saban was here we didn't get the respect bama does because of saban being...
It's never worth lsu losing for anything. Still there would be nothing that would make me feel better than for bama fans to be crying their eyes out.
I just want to hurt bama. If beating them again breaks their heart and causes a gump meltdown , I'm all in. If they don't get to go to the big...
We didn't play bama again in '07. We won the sec that year. If we would have lost to bama this last game do you think that the voters or espn...
I have to say that the hog fans that stayed after the game were way cooler than the ones that came here for the week before the game. Maybe we...
Wow! If losing to lsu in a bowl game destroys teams maybe we should change our mind about bama in the championship game. We know we can't lose in...
Bama lost the first round of the play offs. Does any bama really honestly believe that lsu would be given the rematch if we lost to bama? Lsu...
I don't have any righteous reasons for no rematch. It has nothing to do with okie's right to play. It has nothing to do with being scared to...
Go au go tech
I'm at work missing the game. Please keep the score posted. Thanks
Texas tech beat ou. Au can beat bama. It's at auburn so that helps some. Since lsu busted bama's cherry, they've not been their normal self. Lots...
I understand. Anything is possible but the probable reason is that bp was just butt hurt over his season being ruined by les miles. Lots of...
Who really knows. You know he had his hopes set high. There was a chance for the pigs to get to Nola with a little help. I'm sure it was a long...
If pigs could fly they wouldn't have lost by thirty points too. But I guess anything is possible.
You are correct there bacon. We assume it was for running up the score. It seems logical. For all we know there couldve been an lsu player holding...
I wouldn't know weather to chit or go blind laughing my arse off so much if we got to see a pic of another gump crying because the all mighty tide...