Bad idea. Last time we had an unofficial game thread, we got beat pretty handilly
It was wild in the box. The box didn't clear our at all untill after the victory lap. Set the biggest attendance ever last night at 8,176. I...
I climbed the intimidator after the game gand grabbed me some homerun balls. Went in the right field corner and watched all the interviews with...
Everyone was clapping and chearing because the fans made a little boy across the road run back, and throw his ball he just caught back over the...
John, Good post.
Alrite guys. Who's going to be out and about campus tomorrow?!? After some technical problems ( blew both the horns in my speakers) and getting...
i know it wasn't coon or his group. I have been knowing some of them for a few years now. and we been hanging out together for the last 5...
As we were walking out of the box today, my buddy was looking for 2 tickets. The first guy he saw (with 6 tickets) wanted $100 a piece. 50...
I have been tailgating with the coon's crew throughout regionals, and this weekend for supers. We kinda combined. And then, me and my buddies...
Nah i'm just messing around. he's good people.
I am completely with sonny on this one. Just about anything that stands for LSU, im captivated by. I live and breath LSU in anything i do. I...
See, I can completely understand last weekend. you get the pass on that one. Now this weekend, and having to clean the garage?!? Thats weak. No...
yo salty, are you gonna be able to make it out there tomorrow? I am looking for a partner tailgate crew. When i went walk over talk to TK and...
He's lieing!!! I gave him my paws name and password last week for the Geaux Show and i never saw a penny of my schollie. ITS A SCAM, ITS A SCAM.
or even if your just going to be walking around campus tailgating, PLEASE remember!!!!!!! [IMG] Come on, if Penn St. can get 100k+ to do...
well aparently 327, i guess you should have used that lifelo.. damnit. Well i guess we're both done now.
Our spot [IMG] [IMG]
Yep. We'll be there in full force again this weekend. With music for everyone. On the corner of south stadium and nicholson (south stadium parking...
This was the last out of the game to win the regional. [media] And the victory lap. Sorry, i got caught up and it's just a LITTLE...