young ASD? who are you? why would you say young ASD when I am referencing a running qb from almost 12 years ago? that doesnt make any...
quit it you are only encouraging Fang to start more threads P.S.- the running aspect of our QB game will not go away. Jarrard Randall. Talented...
we won with pocket passers both times; Mauck and Flynn. Cam AND Tebow were once in a long while type of players. The reason why those other big...
this is wrong
what is going on here? this is the silliest thread i have seen as of yet
lol...If we are kneeling the ball with 5 minutes left in ANY game, it can mean nothing but good things:)
THIS. There was way too much time on the clock for that. Hand it off. Run the plays. Get ultra conservative if you want but kneeling with 5 min...
A bama rematch in the dome with a pro LSU crowd. Where we dominate. Nuffield said
I am starting to get a bad feeling about our title hopes. Is it too much to expect our guys to beat bama twice in the same year...with everything...
That's a pretty good 3 days:)
Don't worry Tusk, Next year. Another chance. Same time. Same channel. Same stakes. Different house;)
I know I wouldnt. It was called a penalty people! is everyone forgetting that? It did not look malicious to me and the speed of the game can make...
I cant believe we just beat Bama in T-town and we are talking about making an example out of TM7. For what? It looked to me that TM7 was trying to...
Gotcha. u are probably right. Thought I've heard Sam say that during interviews as well.
I can understand that it looked bad but they are both D-backs. They arent matched up against eachother so no, TM7 wasnt more concerned with...