Oh sure, faggot!! :) Just kidding, trying to keep it light
We lived in Alexandria and drove to BR for every home game - Dad never missed one from post WWII until he couldn't walk into the stadium in the...
I'm not totally convinced we will loose Saturday but to play along I predict . . . Game Storyline LSU dramatically improves rushing game by more...
Cool stuff KyleK!!. I remember when I heard Kansas recorded in a Bogalusa studio thinking what is a top recording studio doing in Bogalusa. I...
Nicely written Brian. Its no surprise you admire good writing.
Agreed. I hope he is right that the decision has been made. And I hope Woodward matches what he accomplished in baseball hire.
Who are you kidding - you get an 18 year old hot chick that doesn't go EWE and you're going for it!! :)
Cregg didn't cheat very well. Brian, thanks for putting this together. Explains a lot.
I'm in no way a O apologist, but I have no issue with O's response. I thought he handled it well.
Sorry for the loss of your friend. Sounds like the Tigers could use some of your heart.
I was working from home; I watched every press conference live. "We are all one team consistent communication" is really not a Trump strong suit,...
If feels a little early to me also but I'm sure Helton felt the same way. Its the new reality. BUT, assuming we beat CenMich, if we look bad...
Well I'm about 160 degrees from where you are on this topic, so relative to you, I'm happily obtuse. A group of people, not everyone there but...
Shit was smashed, people were hurt and died. How do you twist the word 'violent' so it excludes that. If BLM had done the exact same thing I'm...
in·sur·rec·tion /ˌinsəˈrekSH(ə)n noun a violent uprising against an authority or government. It was an insurrection. They broke into the...
No different than any other president. There are always post presidential term books.
You want that alphabetically or by order of importance.
She's a 5 tool ball player if I've ever seen one.
I agree, but I remember I never believed Kristian would be reinstated either.
I'll be her pitcher if she'll be my catcher.