If I were O I would make a loop of that part where they were talking about lack of effort and leadership and play it continuously all week before...
They outplayed Ohio state in the parts I was able to watch. The Houston Fox station switched away to the Faggie game with about 6 minutes left....
Nice 99 yard drive Ducks!! Impressive against #3.
I have personal knowledge that I of course can't divulge. The source for this is Q!!;)
google it
You did realize (s)he was a female impersonator, right? . . . Oh you didn't . . . . .oh.
The most interesting part of this to me is the year. Benz is credited with inventing cars just 7 years earlier. Were there laws about driving a...
Its never about the one's you win; its the ones you lose and most importantly who you lose them to
On September 10, 1897, a 25-year-old London taxi driver named George Smith becomes the first person ever arrested for drunk driving after slamming...
I didn't see much leadership in this interview
This was really poor effort from someone who is supposed to be a leader with star talent. Shocking
More like a low grade temp at the moment. But willing to ramp to a progression of fever related illness at tournament time and maybe go full...
If you're trying to make me feel better it ain't working. Back to back loses to MooSt pretty much defines a total collapse of a championship...
But his response to the virus was all him - and likely the key reason he is not president today.
So OU, either you don't have cash or you don't have the ass - either way you're lacking in the basics. But thanks for the 2019 championship tune...
6 posts up you were downplaying the level of Florida crazy. Me thinks you protest to much. :)
The one thing that is always harder than high achievement - is maintenance of that achievement. .
I hate the truth in that statement, but you're right. I draw the line at being reduced to competing over who has the best fucking decorated cow...
yep this is the guy
We got Votes!!!! YES we matter!! (heavy heavy sarcasm)