Temping to blame Cam, but this is all Les.
We did it the first few games of Cam's tenure. Then we went into a shell from which we have never come out.
The only thing that will make this half of FB more perfect is if we get the ball back, but stall out on O due to a delay of game penalty.
Hey Les, when I said that I hoped for a more balanced offense, I didn't necessarily want the running game to be as bad as the passing game.
Absolutely atrocious.
The forward pass!!!
Well played.
W will score on this possession for sure. We have dodged the bullet so far, but not this time.
I don't know. The third and long predictable pass is pretty awesome.
JJ anyone? Honestly, this is on coaching to me.
Our offense is offensive.
Shit protection.
Good check-down that time for Harris.