Bullshit (I agree with Shane). If you look at what Trump did he was the least authoritarian bastard to inhabit the White House in a while. Biden...
I hope you're right. And not about the machines.....
Some things never change...
So you're saying everyone should follow the Clinton model. Try before and after the election after the duly elected are in office and then spy on...
Hopefully our experience in 1776 would prevent any of that from happening but... We are already close to that now with no violence, only corrupt...
Oh yeah, Repugs that are/were never Trump. "Drain the swamp" indeed. Possible some just didn't like him but gotta think the majority didn't want...
The Durham Probe has evidence and concluded that the Clinton Campaign hacked servers in Trump tower prior to the election in an effort to plant...
OF course they did, he was going to expose all the corruption. Now they are spying on all US citizens. All Day, everyday. This needs to stop. Time...
I was waiting to post something here until I could find something to top that GIF, never did,.....yet
Yep, I haven't been around that long, but long enough. Too bad, RIP Sabanfan/Terry.
watched this kid play some. Be a definite plus
Comedian told a joke about the Biden family enterprises being heavily invested in the drug trade. Think about the open border/drug superhighway...