Young folks and their crotch rockets...We had a stretch 4-5 years ago were 1-2 people a week were getting killed on those things. Went on for over...
Money was money tonight
+ Thanks, makes sense now
Forgive my apparent ignorance but what does this mean and who is it directed to?
Just got through watching the UN Security Council meeting and vote to condemn the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The measure was voted in...
Don't think it will matter, hope you're right. Also think the amount of willing Russian subjects in Ukraine is lower than most think. They have...
Putin and XI have met 3-4 times over the last year. Guarantee this was discussed and planned, XI and China green lighted it and it is a trail run...
Hmm...... never mind, low upfront cost, high maintenance cost
They do have some hot women. pretty sure most of them are corrupt too, or at least corrupting.[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] [IMG]
I thought (yes dangerous, iffy at best), that it might be good to have a somewhere to place content from You Tube. Found stuff or regularly...
Gravity is your friend
Another Thought.. Putin is a puppet for XI and the CCP. They are both linked together in an effort to destroy the "west". This is nothing more...
Those dastardly Russians are back in Arizona. Full concert, part one and part two. If you like Chicago, this band is tight live too. [MEDIA]...
I always thought of him as Buckley with a sense of humor. We need more like him. Of course today he would shouted down as a Nazi, fascist, white...
This. He was awesome
Like everything the Demonrats do, it'd about enriching themselves, their friends and control. They should let the marketplace dictate. The Repugs...