Does it pick up nuts from the ground?
Agreed. We need to pound it.
We had no other use for that final TO. I don't have any problem with it.
Les is setting up the fake FG play...
It probably just means that you are an alter-ego of a regular poster... :)
Leaders setup a frame work for Congress to work within to meet the goals he sets up. Dictators specify their exact plans and proceed to ram it...
Funniest twitter quotes from Greg Gutfeld (Fox news): *Obama is rolling down a mountain like Homer Simpson hitting every rock along the way. *I...
The funniest thing to me was this quote from Obama: "And the fact is that if you are lowering the rates the way you described, Governor, then it...
How would you know? I thought he did not give out specifics of his plans so how would you know that he changed his plan? :)
24-21 LSU with a blocked field goal to preserve the win...
They make my urine very expensive.
UW and AU were supposed to be good teams. The schedule is set pretty far in advance and when it was made, it looked like a good schedule. UW and...
I have not seen posters other than you beating this drum (on nearly every thread at that). Go crawl back under the rock you came out of you troll.
I think that Washington is a bad team. They struggled mightily last week against a nobody and showed nothing against us. I think UNT would beat them.
Eric Reid. That guy is a beast. Had trouble last week, but damned intimidating back there.
I really want UF to use their backup RB to score three TDs to beat the Aggies. It would be really cool cuz his name is Mack Brown. That would...
That should be,.. Bite me pac 2.
LSU 45 UW 16