Apologies if this has been posted earlier, but I haven't seen it here thus far. The New York Post reports that the full transcript of the new...
http://www.messopotamian.blogspot.com Alaa, the Messopotamian, on the stakes of this election (which are so very, very high for the U.S., for...
Wall Street Journal and NRO's verdict: recipe for disaster. http://www.nationalreview.com/nrof_nugent/nugent200409170833.asp The letter...
http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/04278/390124.stm Some highlights... ""Every child in America will receive health care from day one if John is...
If ya'll go into the Florida game with the same intensity and explosiveness and fanatical obsession to win that you came into the LSU game with,...
For those who want to pull the lever on the ejection seat, calm down. A few thoughts: -Georgia would've beaten ANYBODY IN THE COUNTRY by three...
No disrespect to the General here, and what he said probably has a lot of truth to it, but the more likely story that I believe, is that Hussein's...
I still think USC needs to be on alert for that November trip up to Corvallis. Stanford ate the USC defense's lunch in the first half. Yes, that...
http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/2004-09-22-extending-schedules_x.htm The Good News: This will allow teams like LSU to schedule more...
In 2000, Nader also proposed abolishing all our land forces (Army and Marines) and abolishing the Navy, in favor of a "light, rapid-response"...
Oh chill ya'll. Not all young people are illiterate stoners. It seems to be a universal condition that each new young generation has their...
Yes indeed. Keep in mind, the only reason Moore is mad at Kerry is because Kerry is not hard leftist enough and anti-war enough for his...
Bush Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness that has recently begun to afflict many millions of Americans on the left side of the...
The nightmare scenario is this: A strong Cat 4/Cat 5 hurricane (Ivan, let's say) is out in the Gulf moving towards the Louisiana coast. Any SE...
...could very possibly be forgeries. www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog I opened Microsoft Word, set the font to Microsoft’s Times New...
We've all known how repulsive Ted Rall is since his slander of fallen hero Pat Tillman. But that wasn't enough for Rall. He had to go...
Good pick, but I would have to go with Florida of last year as his worst game. Fisher is the most stubborn OC I have ever seen. He will...
If Russell is declared the starter "from now on," we definitely will lose a football game because of this. Did you see how many balls were...
Not by a long shot. Flynn came to compete and we will hear from him. Don't dismiss Randall either; when Russell cramped up, he came off the...
I'll say a prayer for poor Julius Serna. To lose like that, after Oregon State left everything they had out on that field tonight, is a cruel...