Oh whatever martin! For all you know, that's the way it really is on "the other side," and you don't know for sure that ain't the way it is any...
The sad fact is, closing the borders and clamping down on illegal immigration would be the best thing, long-term, for both our countries, all of...
Well, it's not exactly new Red, it's been around for about 70 years, the idea or the concept of judicial activism or "living Constitution" (dating...
I'm honestly not sure yet. We still don't know who's gonna be starter at quarterback. That's what it's all gonna hinge on. We need somebody to...
I honestly think Dwayne Bowe is going to explode this year. Even with our inconsistency at QB in 2004, we saw flashes of brilliance, just a...
Now don't get me wrong, I happen to disagree with the "living document" interpretation ideas about the Constitution. I am much more closely...
Exactly. You can count on one hand the number of major off-the-field misconduct incidents that took place involving LSU football players during...
Volunteer fans and the UT Athletic Dept. obviously don't care, as long as the program keeps winning. But let Fulmer have two losing seasons...
Everyone's favorite federal bench, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, has now ruled that threatening the life of the President of the United States...
Then it would follow that the school's actual name, Robert E. Lee High School, will also be changed shortly. Similar to the name changes that...
Well, Red, while China's position on no contact between the Vatican and Chinese priests seems extremely bizarre, paranoid, and totalitarian (and...
Vanderbilt and Tennessee will beat each other up quite well. All we have to do is play our game against Georgia, and we'll be fine. What we...
Re: What are you secretly worried about regarding the upcoming football season? Offensive line. I'm worried the absence of Ben Wilkerson's...
I thought this was interesting. Here's what Churchill has been instructing some of America's college youth to do. I don't know about you, but it...
Back to the topic at hand.... ....You don't want to play an in-state 1-AA for their charity or to prove some superiority over them. Fine....
But our PC-culture demanded that he keep silent. We all know what happened next. And it's still going on. Michael Smerconish | HE...
If Dean becomes DNC Chairman, you can forget about the Democratic Party returning to the center. Dean wants a Gingrich-style revolution in...
You apparently didn't read the rest of my post; that one statement, by itself, without any context, is what you call insanity. But re-read all of...
Exactly Red. Science is what we know, what we can test, and what we can reproduce. Macro-evolution cannot be studied in a laboratory against a...
Del Rio is no doubt a defensive guy. The polar opposite of Bobby Petrino, who is big on prolific scoring and passing offense but could care less...