That is taking one apart. You don't know and can't prove this. It looks like a clock because why? Once more for emphasis . . . no fake explosives....
Banning guns isn't viable, but gun registration, like New York requires, probably makes good sense in this day and age. Gun owners must be at...
It's funny I never saw a black one in the woods, but we have a number of them on campus. These live oaks drop a ton of acorns and the tree rats...
Thanks zipperheads.
The GOP is supposed to be all for local governments having more power. They should not cry about it when a city with a serious gun violence...
South Carolina will move heaven and earth to play that game, just like we did after Katrina. They will lose millions and have pissed off fans if...
No you have an opinion that is not universally shared. Get used to it. Well, if you were truly honest you would also credit them for the clear...
Well, I don't understand how anybody cannot recognize the things we do very well. This is a successful team and you have to be wearing blinders...
No, I will just enjoy the shit out of a top-5 team with a Heisman Trophy running back that is a contender for the playoffs. I can't imagine what...
He was not charged because a clock is not a hoax bomb without hoax explosives. The reason he did not think it was any big deal is because he is a...
No, I think it is a big issue for a lot of people. Much is lack of understanding but much is a perceived stigma. Even my mom, who was very smart,...
That's good, but someone may still attack it for truth and accuracy. Buddies and friends do not make a person a mass murderer. Ayers actually...
I suspect that they share this with the majority of white people.
Did you even read this thing you got off the internet? Come on! Do you know what a mass murderer is? Some of these people skilled nobody! Most of...
They can't keep raining $5 million salaries on coaches who have not been to any championship games. Story and Sumlin have to produce fast or deep...
Everybody's favorite quarterback is the one who has never played.
But it is not illegal to disassemble a clock, which was why he was released and not charged with anything at all. You keep ignoring the salient...
Now you are just repeating yourself. You are logically done. Come back when you have a new argument.
Count again, cuz. That would be 2 ranked SEC West teams, an then-undefeated ACC team, and a cream puff. Only four games.
He certainly can.