If I answer Martin, his/her next post will be a quote for a UN resolution. LOL
Bush's governing style is simply to do anything that will get him re-elected. He lets the oil companies re-write our pollution laws, protected the...
Look in all fairness I know that you guys don't really believe what you are saying about Bush going to war under the authority of the UN. It is...
Re: Re: Bush's Budget Deficit: well over $521 billion Dick Cheney told Paul O'Neil that "deficits don't matter, Reagan proved that."...
Everyone knows that Bush did not invade Iraq to support some UN resolution that the UN went on record as OPPOSING war to enforce. Bush has...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A4093-2004Feb1.html?nav=hptop_tb There is a link to Bush's budget, or "you can have it all, in...
Bush did not include any spending for Afghanistan and Iraq after September in next year's budget to partially mask the huge budget deficit. He...
Nothing any of you little right wingers say makes any sense. You say Bush invaded under the authority of the UN, but the UN specifically voted...
All evidence says that the world is more distrustful of America because of Bush, yet you claim he has created "credibility" for America in the...
Each time I tell you why Bush himself said he was going to war. You ignore what Bush himself said. You will not address the reasons Bush gave for...
As for "credibilty" Bush has created more distrust in the world for America than has perhaps ever existed before. He says America does not...
Bush said we had to attack Iraq because if we didn't Saddam Hussein was a "direct threat" to America. He said he was building massive amounts of...
The main question facing American voters this November is, "Can we afford to have a President we cannot trust?" Bush told us that Saddam...
So now Bush invaded to protect a bunch of Arabs being mistreated? So when does the Lone Ranger from Texas in the White House set off righting the...
Bush attacked Iraq because Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat to the USA. He said that Saddam was seeking nuclear weapons, and had programs in...
Now it has come out is that some intelligience analysts before the war complained that the civilians in the Bush administration kept questioning...
I think you may be right. A lot of college teams do not have good cornerbacks, and some of these "super" WRs make themselves look good taking...
If there is a QB who might surprise some people, I think it is Jared Lorenzen. I know he has a tendency to put on weight, but he is a better...
Even Bush has to face reality. We now know that those in the UN and others who saw no need for war were right. Saddam had no military power, no...
Calco, it is not my problem that you are too ignorant to make a logical argument against what I just said. Don't blame me for your stupidity.