Gather around kids, here is why I hate the GOP, they always talk a tough game but in the end they always cave. He will cave this time as well.
Not necessarily. My kid was playing LB for the HS team and picked off a pass. Ran to the sideline and got chewed out for being out of position....
Coach O and Les on the bad coaching with talent and Bill Snyder with good coaching and no talent. Perspective I guess. I don't like Sanders, not...
Let's not crown him king just yet.
Lip sync has come a looong way. That was horrible but I do love that song
He coached where again? Jax St? Real powerhouse there. You'll see
Covered this, he can't coach. He can recruit, he can talk but he can't coach. He may succeed at CU because the big 12 is soft. Some other school...
He's a plucking snake oil salesman!
The front 7 are fine. They don't have the talent to play man. If they are going to sit in zone we need to find a way to ramp up the pressure on...
We won! Yay! Clock management was stellar! I couldn't imagine how badly that waterhead we used to have would have screwed that up. Now to the...
Man F Deion and his ruddy poo team.
I second that!
Run up the middle and stall
We might get lucky here
Good luck
This isn't your typical LSU D, they are bad
We in trouble
Who is the Womack character? He needs to play more
I think we are in trouble