That's really what I am saying, but still would hate to see the Pac 10 win anything. SUCKS having to root against both teams. And did you see...
I'm watching, but can't figure who I want to win. Don't really like FSU, especially after the defensive guy dove into the endzone on the blocked...
The other thread today is what drove my response. Reading that one today, really made my day. And not knowing you, you just may be a disturbed...
I agree with you. I just think it is inconceivable that Saban leaves the NFL anytime soon, especially if the BAMA rumors has his stock so high....
So, you are not gonna find a poor kid and give him the ticket and take him to the game, and then challenge all on this forum to do the same :lol:
I gotta think that even if Saban is fired, he will wiegh the other HC jobs in the NFL, before even thinking about returning to CFB. I may be way...
Don't give them Bama Fans anymore ideas. :lol:
That you have my friend, that you have!!
That would be insane, even for Bama. There is no way a school(or thier fan base and boosters) justify paying a college coach 8-10 mil a year.
SabanFan, are you going to change your screen name!!!!:lol:
Merry Christmas to all of y'all from Me and my family here in Alabama. Thanks for keeping me up to date on the happenings in Tigerland. Hope...
Me too. And, oh by the way, at least by 14. :)
What's a coonazz?
Geaux Tigers. Start out the new year right, and start aiming for another one of these..:crystal:
ALABAMA Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?" It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going to call it...
I know that Blonde. She just took me washer and dryer, and couch, fridge, dining table, bed, and Ford Explorer. But hey, I got the first and...
Actually from what I hear, TT would be a good hire. He has another quality not mentioned above. HE HAS NEVER LOST IN BRYANT-DENNY!!!:lol:
Has he been indicted yet?, or is he still just "under investigation". Pure shame that the majority of the people who elected this scum, are this...
Now if you had to rank the SEC coaching jobs that were available: 1. :lol: