Ivy I noticed they were growing Ivy around the concrete at south end zone. It was the manicured kind. I thought it looked pretty nice....
Re: Re: ESPN game day This is my last post on th this subject, I wouldn't have guessed that was the reason they started using the net. It...
ESPN game day I've seen a net at almost every Game Day they've ever done. I saw Bama hurl a ton of stuff at the net when corso predicted OU...
Yes! That was a total blast I have pictures of everyone in tents I camped out with Pi Sigma a marketing Frat. I do remember that Christian...
I'm not sure you're aware but the ESPN format usually has the commentators behind a net. Where occasionally opposing teams toss something at the...
Game Day I think it's great Game Days coming. Great Exposure for the program, and much better if we play well or win
Bookie/POlls/line Funny how we are almost always ranked higher in USA-today Poll than the AP poll. I generally expect AP poll to have us one to...
Remember Vanderbuilt I think it would be silly of an opponent not to let us wear white. Remember Vanderbuilt 4 or 5 years ago when Dinardo was...
Power to you I camped out at the P-Mac for the LSU Duke Basketball Game I think it was 91 or 92. Shaq vs Christian Laettner (SP?) We lost but...
M M ??????? Who is questioning Matt Mauck?? I personally have heard no complaints from anyone only positive comments stating the obvous. I...
Really suprised by this one. I was sort of looking forward to LSU in the underdog role a la Tennesse and Florida.
HMMMM I'm not sure how well boudin balls would ship, but frozen Gumbo ships extremely well.
Loudness Campaign I remember that thing, the noise meter, They also used to have noise meter when Shaq was playing round ball and I think it...
Bousi Forget the titleist, We have Boudin Balls, Then again a Boudin Ball is a terrible thing to waste.
Thanks I'm quite biased but it sounds like CBS has a hell of line up for next SAT. Like it our not TV exposure is important
Georgia site says CBS for game The Georgia site Dawgpost.com is talking about ESPN snubbing them and CBS picking up the game. Does anyone know...
Cajun Groceries My Sympathies Virginia pastimer, My Aunt and Uncle moved from LA to Oklahoma land of beef and when we can't ship them good stuff...
#11 or #12 The BR advocate had them at 12 but the website I went to had them at 11th. I think our lack of playing a big team early and the...
TOP Ramen Yea, I remember Top Ramen well! My soph year me and a friend decide we're going to save money on food and buy a case of that stuff...
Yea Oh Yea, He has some family in BR. His mom is semi famous for her cookbooks