Excellent Welcome back to Louisiana and Baton Rouge!
Times For 2:30 games try to get on Campus at least 3 to 4 hours before kick-off.
ron zook site http://www.geocities.com/ronzook/index.html I thought this one was funnier than ron zook.com
Miami fans I couldn't believe the Miami stands were 1/3 empty either. It was even worse 5 or 6 years ago. That's pretty sad I saw Florida &...
Hi Tiger Dog, This is my favorite website of tiger traditions, talks about fans, traditions, chinese bandits ect... http://www.nicksaban.net
I find the port a let thing hard to beleive I find the port a let thing really hard to believe. I was there the entire day and think someone...
2rd Down Cheer Did you know we had a 2nd down cheer? I heard that toon a million times and never knew it was for 2nd down Here are two...
I guess I don't mind a little bias or maybe a little color from the commentators. CBS is so flat and boring they make all games look pretty much...
Louisiana Tech, just kidding sort of I'd have to go with Bama or South Carolina
Uh huh You watch the replay of the LSU Game on your VCR tape. You watch it again Sunday with the pro LSU cox announcers. You watch the LSU...
Cous Cous I grew up eating cous cous, it's pretty good. Try warm conbread milk and a little sugar or steens. Don't knock it til you've...
Do Bowl Games Count as road games? I have a Tie: Can I count Georgia Tech in Atlanta the Peach Bowl as a road game? A mighty fine time was had...
HMMMMMMM Didn't they have some kind of online poll at ESPN gameday? I know our stadium was one of the 4 most feared, didn't see the outcome of...
I'm In Can't wait for Awfulbarn and Tubbby. Sounds fun, Keep us updated Can bring a some Breaux Bridge Boudin.
Welcome Welcome new fan, where are you from if you don't mind me asking?
HMMMMM 1. Where are you getting the 7 point homefield advantage info, just curious. 2. Someone please tell me we are NOT playing Florida at...
I can barely talk today I was thrilled to get tickets to the game stood and yelled for almost the entire game! Kudos to the students for...
Interesting Avatar I watched the special on the History of Louisiana and saw the same emblem for their Jean Lafitte. Though Jean Lafitte and...
Chinamen I thought we were bowing like Chinamen!! The reference to Chinese Bandits
Hope this helps: Chinese Bandits was the nickname of one of the three units utilized in Paul Dietzel's three-platoon system that vaulted the...