LSU Elvis & the Pimp LSU Elvis & Pimp
Yes I got a few with Elvis will post soon still recovering
Luther Kent is playing is jazz version of Go Fightin Tigers on WBRH 92.3. every hour!!!!!! Headin to NAWLINS for the National CHampionship...
Thank you! I needed that
Spurrier It's gonna be real weird seeing Spurrier somewhere else other than Florida. I like Saban right here thank you. I don't what the...
Love it
ABC announcers Did you notice after the break for the FSU Miami game the announcers are more subdued in their support of USC like ABC game out...
Terry Bowden Aint't that the truth,Terry Bowden is surprisingly anti SEC He seems to root for the other conferences every chance he can get....
Sears what is the sears trophy for?
The Sears Tropy that goes to the winner of the SUGAR BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tHE CELEBRATION OF USC WAS...
did I see Terry Bowden and Snoop Dogg in a commercial together?! Prepare yourselves... the end is definitely near!!
championship trophy Rose Bowl winner does not. Case closed!!! Too bad for USC and the media! Go Tigers!!!!
On Crack? nice try I like the Old timey version with the chorus of people singing in the background You can just imagine them singing it in 1958.
Cool Thanks like the the LSU Soul Tigers website
Terry Saban I really liked Terry Sabans comment that Nick would not be going anywhere this year they couldn't bare the thought of having someone...
Miami Miami, Florida State a close 2nd Nebraska Arkansas
That article rocks. those were my exact sentiments when I bought a ticket
Egg in Gumbo Have you ever cracked an egg and let in cook in the Gumbo? It soaks up some of the gumbo flavor pretty good stuff. Its a Cajun...
OU is Boring I don't normally get into Smack but you asked for it,Oklahoma is one boring state. I've been to Norman and Oklahoma and you talk...
Breaux Bridge Boudin in Baton Rouge The Gas station just to the left of the I-10 on Acadian Thruway (across from TJ RIbs) sells Breaux Bridge...