It's all over now but the cryin'!
as per Jordy on the wireless (radio, that is).
That's pretty lame, SoonerLeigh. Ya bloody Sooner wanker.
That bluish-purplish colour is called "LSU Purple" or something like that--it's the same special dye used in the band uniforms. Sometimes it...
Been on the sideline for a Saints game I've been on the field during Saints games, and the noise level was pretty significant during close games....
I heard it was Media National Championship.
Anyone got a pic or link to video of the ESPN interview with Saban, Carroll, & Stoops? I gotta see this suit everyone's talking about.
NOPD Unfortunately, in my experience, some NOPD are pretty quick to threaten you with the old "failure to comply" rap. And this happened to me...
Saban: "I view this job as the job I'll have forever." Saban on ESPN radio
Anybody remember Rydell Melancon's nickname?
Also, the Golden Girls went to white a few years ago, b/c the manufacturer sent a sample uniform in white, and Linda liked it better (the one good...
Linda is terrible! ROY is the man! :D BTW, the band wore all-purple (very purple) uniformsin the '70s, with a big patch of a tiger head on...
When I was in band, that happened pretty often--as long as they get out of the way, it's no big deal. A current band member told me Bennett moved...
I don't like the guy, but after the SECCG, he admitted on air that he had been wrong to pick UGA and that LSU was clearly the dominant team.
Is anyone else sick of Pete Carroll saying USC is playing in the NC game? Saban's attitude was "We'll do what we can and live with the...
Sept 12, 1987 LSU vs. Cal State - Fullerton W 56-12
Thanks OM's defence made it a great game.
Plus "failure to comply" means he refused to follow the officer's orders and was generally uncooperative. I learned that the hard way.
Yeah, I remember there was one when I was an undergrad in the 90s--I think it was a new thing, but didn't catch on.