Jeez, didn't know that, that sucks. What'd he get suspended for?
An acquaintance of mine is the name on the checks written for a luxury suite held by a large group of people putting him way up on the TAF list.
No, I just meant in general, like this year but if the games had been back to back. Back to back top 25 teams sure as heck isn't easy either...
haha yeah lazy editing on my part - thanks, it was a pretty crazy fiasco. The school actually suspended them for the playoffs which was far from...
wow, thats pretty good. I've heard of kids tapping pencils(regular class tests) or pointing them a certain way, Up(A), Right(B), etc. Here is an...
I think the dates are the same nationally because they probably want to be able to administer the same(basically) tests on the same day to keep...
What I have never understood is the baseball scholarships. Baseball only gets 11.7 scholarhips for what? a 25 man roster? Yet, baseball is the...
Ooops, forgot to even look at the dates. That makes it a little more bearable but still difficult. There is always the possibility of looking...
He could have first round talent. He runs like Terrell Davis mixed with Larry Johnson mixed with Adrian Peterson when he's healthy. If he comes...
I think Broussard has potential to go first round but probably won't because of how strong the underclassmen RB class will be next year....
While we would be in the NC if we came out of this schedule unscathed. It is hard to look at any team and realistically say they will come out...
Obviously very hard to predict so I'm going to say the highest that they are likely to go: Brandon LaFell - second round Keiland Williams -...
From all that I have heard, Chris Leak is a pretty smart guy and I figured he'd score more in the 20 30 range. It is pretty pointless though if...
For what it is worth, my UCLA buddy said he was a great coach. Judging his resume, he looks pretty good. Nate Burleson and Brandon Marshall...
Brady Quinn has four years experience. LL needing to bulk up? WOW! If he needs to bulk up, Reggie Nelson might as well be a high school kid....
True, he needed to put a * next to CJ and say that he predicts a trade. I think Porter has to be traded, he intentionally parked in Al Davis'...
haha wow, Rivals - stick to recruiting not drafting: 1. CJ is reasonable enough 3. Quinn to the Browns is only likely because of Crennell and...
In the bathroom next to the office(listening to computer radio). I remember kind of drowning in the misery because I was still kinda young at...
Oh, and I thought it was by a guy named Marty Mule'
I bought it when I was back in mid-January at the bookstore. I got about halfway through in travel but haven't had time to read it since. I...