I think petitions are silly, but I agree that Murtha is a sack of yesterdays digested pizza.
That's how I roll.
Just remember team, there is no "I" in.... oh nevermind.
That stuff was big with the granola chicks when I went to BRHS in the late 90's. Everytime I was in a class with one of them, I had a newfound...
We had a nurse at my Hospital who wore that crap to work. I took the issue to her boss and she isn't allowed to wear it anymore. Holy Jesus that...
Finished with the SI magazine eh? I don't agree or care about most of the points made. However, I gotta say that it is looking more and more...
As long as we have a two party system, there will never be significant political reform in our lifetimes. The system is in place and locked down....
Which politician disgusts you the most? With record low approvals across the board, there have to be strong negative feelings out there. 1....
I am not going to ever spank my son. However, I was spanked growing up and I can't say I was scarred by it or anything. Just as long as it is done...
I won't qualify for it, so I am just going to stop tipping waiters to make up for it.
Olbermann is a douche. What network execs said "Hey, we need more of that guy on TV"? Hannity is a Republican Talking Point repeater who...