"Someone" meaning exactly who?
This conspiracy stuff is what nerdy types get into when they aren't into SciFi. I mean, a "Mental Health Facility" for 2 million people in...
I've always wondered if there was a right wing equivalent of the 9/11 truthers :shock:
Then you completely misunderstood me. I wasn't defending the media. I was saying that the media caters to the interests of the populace. This...
What is the downside to having none of them hang on the wall?
Where do you think shriners come from? Duh.
I don't appreciate being told that I take offense to honoring our military heroes. My grandfather manned one of the quad machine guns on a...
I left it in the cup and I now have a line of Catholics outside my door desperate to see it. I'm going to get it tested for drugs as well. Find...
You little Liberal Spinmeister, you. It only took you like 78 years but now you are seeing the truth. Good for you. :hihi:
When you put it on the walls of governmental courtrooms, it is connected to the government. You'd most likely freak out if you went to court one...
Remarking about the sad state of our nations news interests is taking offense to a thread about a war hero? All I did was negate your assertion...
None if that's your thing.
What do the 10 Commandments have to do with our legal system? Here are some of the commandments in the Bible. ONE: 'You shall have no...
True enough. Islam is about as "Religious Right" as you can get.
We need to invent some kind of Liberal and Muslim Detection Device, to root out the people who are all clearly out to get us. The current...
Can you quote where "some lib" took offense to this thread? Didn't think so.
To be fair, you kind of took him out of context by leaving out the last part of his quote...
What interpretations are those? Wouldn't be doing my spinmeister job if I didn't ask... :grin:
I have total respect for all of our M.O.H. honorees, and appreciate what they have done. The accolades of what they did are well deserved, but...
You don't have to have served to "get it". People who haven't served can appreciate our troops as much as a veteran can. I just don't think you...