Yeah, sorry to disappoint you there, *******.
As a card carrying member of the ACLU, I'd like to invite you stick your head up your nether regions and experience true domestic terror. How are...
She'd be surprised to hear you say that. Although, with all of the face-lifts, she always looks surprised.
I think for the first time in my life, I agree 100% with Salty and SF. Global Warming may be occuring. There hasn't been absolute proof of...
Anyone who isn't a Conservative Republican is a Liberal, Red. The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be to engage in dialogue here.
People's private sex lives should be of no concern to anyone else. Unless it is something like those two NFL cheerleaders who were dyking it...
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Got Milk?
Saban's gonna be jealous...
It was a breach of something, that's for sure...
One aspect of this that I missed before: Many people were upset that we have now shared our techniques with the outside world, and that now the...
If you want to curb gas emissions, just put a cap on Taco Bell.
P.S. Where da ho's at? :wave::wave::wave:
Or their daughters are now old enough to date.
To use a term coined by Rush Limbaugh, "Fake but Accurate". This was a pleasant surprise from what is considered to be the most Liberal court in the...
I think what got Obama elected was Sarah Palin and John McCain. She was an idiot that was only popular with Fundies, and, until the election,...
This thread has more sudden topic changes than talking to my pothead friends.
So steering back to the previous topic... I have yet to see anyone here give a good reason as to why the moment of silence is needed, or why we...
Allow? Why does a kid have to be allowed to pray? Can't the kid pray anytime he or she pleases? Kids need permission from the school to say it's...
It would be the same as your company having "moment of cigarette". Even though they aren't forcing the non-smokers to smoke, they sure appear to...