If you can show us where Jesus spoke out against homosexuality, then you can pull the Christian card (hint: he didn't). Otherwise, I don't think...
I'm not sure what you mean here. There are many rights that a married couple have that an unmarried do not.
So in otherwards, no, you don't do anything to help your fellow man. You would just rather sneer at those who do and second guess their intentions...
I think that when we do finally have Federal recognition of gay marriage benefits and protections, the people who opposed it will finally realize...
Since you feel so elevated among us unfeeling white folks, how much are you giving to charity to help your fellow man? Since I'm a rich white...
True dat'. I don't recall any of my professors wanting to discuss politics in the 7 years that I was an undergrad in college.
So you believe that climate changes causes man?
I thought that calling people who don't agree with you "lemmings" is something you did in college while passing around a joint and a bottle of...
The absolute last thing I would ever want to see is Pelosi going down. :cry: Lot of zingers around this broad.
They couldn't tell in the meeting that she was actually frowning in disapproval.
What I found enlightening is that all of the Dems who fought tooth and nail against the Patriot Act have suddenly shut up now that a Democrat...
Wrong answer. My wife would freak out. Beer guts and potbellies only. :wink:
That depends: are you a hot chick?
There is a high point that allows you to see down on the entire Valley Ranch neigborhood. Great view. All of the houses, businesses, schools, and...
Jones was very clear when the structure went up that he was going with the temporary style building because of the pending move to Arlington (he...
I live down the street, within site of the building. That was indeed a damn strong wind that came through. The same wind blew my screen door off...
Who is "they" and what "rule" are you talking about?
Dodie's Seafood Cafe II Here's the link. I think they have a location in Lower Greenville as well...
Hmm, the same Arlen Spector, who was only 17,000 votes ahead of the Conservative Toomey in the 2004 Primary, when George W Bush stepped in and...
Babes Chicken is the best fried chicken in DFW, hands down. I love that place. Dodie's is a great Cajun restaurant, operated by some fellow...