Apparently you missed the second quarter when we ran a double reverse that went for a big loss. Or did you see the reverse we ran in overtime...
I am just thinking of how many teams in Division I who would kill to have 8 "ugly" wins and 1 loss as opposed to 5-6 pretty wins and 3-4 losses....
Ah...OK. So I take it we are 8-1 with wins over Bama, AU, and UF (for the first time ever in the same season) because we have coaches that don't...
Prayer and perseverance. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Even better, my wife and step-daughter (originally from Mobile) were diehard Bama fans before I...
Quote from Kyle Williams tonight: ""JaMarcus is a gamer. When we get behind the 8-ball, he always answers the call." :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:...
Oh bad. Miles sucks. :dis: :dis:
Did you ever stop to think the reason we "bull-moose" the ball up the middle is to keep the linebackers honest and to set up the play action pass?...
Holy crap. Those definitely are the breaks. TD Auburn.
Seeing that I grew up in Tuscaloosa, both of my parents have Bama degrees, my dad has a Bear Bryant shrine in his house (along with every Daniel...
Really, is there anyone else you want with the ball in his hand late than JR? The guy is just clutch. Iowa game last year, then Ariz St.,...
Well at least we know you have two things going for ability to predict the future and an overly optimistic view of our team. Oh wait...
Thank you. Wonderful post. I am interested to see what the vast amount of Miles-haters have to say.
1030 Eastern.
They played at UCLA in 2000. UCLA came to Tuscaloosa in 2001, which is when Gameday was there. It was also the first time Gameday had ever gone...
UCLA in 2001.
I guess I missed what Jay said or did during the coin toss. Tell me he didn't say something like, "We're gonna score and we're gonna win", a la...
And that's funny. :hihi:
Good 4-4 in red zone. 0 Turnovers. 2 penalties. JR was 16/22 for 208 and 2 TDs. Bad Gave up 176 yards rushing. 3/9 on 3rd downs. Not...
Gosh....I almost feel sorry looking at all those VT fans ESPN keeps showing in the stands. Almost.
I am "watching" the live stats that were linked off of They seem to be the best at keeping up to date. ESPN was so slow. :angryfire