If you ever make it up to Natchez, MS (80 miles north of Baton Rouge on hwy 61) you have to eat lunch at Mammy's Cupboard. The restaurant is...
I was reading through to see if anyone had mentioned Five Guys... and of course its the most recent post at the end. There is now a Five Guys in...
I would mind if we kept them permanently, but I wouldn't mind if they showed up every couple of years for a game...
I say Ridley.
It is too hard to get points for the away games for students, because we are only given 500 to each game. Which is why they should let you scan...
I dont think that points carry over from the previous year. Maybe post season, but you shouldnt have a problem
Yeah, and my two tickets were damn worth it! However, there is a major flaw with the system; You can only receive priority points if you attend...
Yeah... but Im a big enough braves fan to not place it in my top ten [MEDIA] I agree with terryp that Rocky Top is by far the worst.
I was looking forward to the game passing by a little bit quicker because we weren't going to have our usual 2 hours of tv timeouts... But, from...
And another coach O signature... [media]
Miles had/has my respect, and I think that Miles is starting to get some of his much deserved respect. I dont know about that... but it was from...
was the ref laughing on the mic after the state trooper was hit? Either that, or he picked a bad time to start coughing:lol:
Was it ever time to put him on camera???:rofl:
Good post, but can't this discussion wait until say..... January 10?
They also talked for what seemed like 20 minutes about how common it is to put quarterbacks on special team coverage... And eventually correcting...
Agreed. I hope that they don't play us as well as they did last year. We need a repeat of our last trip to vaught-hemmingway and the grove.
duplicate thread...
now im just confused, i have no answers.
Arkansas will win. The more interesting game this weekend, to me, is, Auburn vs Georgia.