I believe there is an SEC rule about playing pro baseball and college football at the same time. Some may remember Ricky Williams played pro...
I agree with you - a one-game event it's really cool. Plus, and likely the most important reason is the players love doing it. They look forward...
Red - dead-on right. I call high school games on the radio and have seen every West Monroe team in action every year from 1995 till now. The Rebs'...
That's hilarious! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I've hated A&M forever but especially since my days at LSU. As a whole their fan base is cult-like and do...
I agree, I wish Nike would have incorporated the old LSU gold pants into the pro combat uni. I also would've like to have seen LSU not use the...
There's been a lot of banter this week surrounding the Big XII media days about some of the members bolting the conference after this year. The...
It's all about the drop linebacker baby! Helped the US win that world title again.
LSU just released that David Grewe has resigned. Who will be next? It'll be interesting to see who Mainieri retains both coaching and player wise.
I really like the new ASU football uniforms. Nike actually did an entire rebranding of the entire athletics department. I thought it really looked...
Looks like the Van Chancellor era maybe coming to an end. LSU will hold a press conference today (March 16) at 3 p.m CT to make an announcement...
As usual bhelmLSU is dead-on right. Most schools pay recruiting services. But there's a big difference in paying a normal fee like $5 - 6 thousand...
I think LSU will have success next season but NC aspirations will be very tough because the schedule is just brutal. In addition to opening with...
I believe the basketball scenario can be summed up by the old adage - You've got to have the thoroughbreds to run the race. This certainly applies...
Been preaching that same sentiment for years. I don't like aluminum bats and wish they'd go away at all levels of baseball. However, because that...
Ran into Rasco's sponsor last night who I've known quite a while. He said they were heading to BR today. Said most everyone was pointing him...
My nephew played at Crowley High with Devante and I saw them play a number of times. He has all the physical tools to be a special player at the...
Says family hardship is the reason he's appealing having to sit out a year.
One thing is for sure is that Miles loves his players and generally sticks by them through thick and thin. There was some great quotes from...
Isn't it wedding cake that's female birth control?