we got this one.. go Tigers!!!!! i'm luvin it :lsup:
OT :lsup:
go GW!!! :lsup:
keep the updates coming.. they switched me to GW-UNCW :lsup:
i hope GW wins... i think theyll give duke a game :lsup:
the wheels are turning :lsup:
i think we've found hawthornes replacement :lsup:
i have them beating UCLA aswell :lsup:
is the guy on the bench in the black and white striped shirt the transfer from marquette. seems to be a spirited bench cheerleader. :lsup:
dont understand how AR and OK are on the downslide. neither has lost a game recently. sure OK has played some close ones, but AR just beat MS st...
we have a helluva team... i luv em and i support em. i think big things are to come. :lsup:
hogs have last 2 games that are very winable... they should be in if they take care of business. thanks for taking care of the vols! :lsup:
can someone tell me why oklahoma is #2? sure they have AP, but they didnt beat a quality team last year, and their QB is mediocre at best. oh...
Texas getting hammered by Ok.St. and only falling one spot is a head scratcher. :lsup:
:lsup: LSU! ugly, but i'll take it!!!!
LSU! :lsup: LSU! :lsup: LSU! :lsup:
tamsin M. 63-61 30 sec
39 sec. 61 all lsu ball timeout called
lsu by 2 1 min
davis fouled ... little over a min left