lets go Tigers!!! if we execute dook is going down. i havent been this giddy since the LSU/OK sugar bowl. i believe!!!! :lsup:
dickie V picking duke??? ..... get outta town. :lsup:
is the common way to score the bracket to increase each rounds point value by 2, i.e. round one 1pt, round 2 2pts, round 3 4pts... and so on OR...
congrats to my alma mater!!! :lsup:
my guess is that we (SEC) get 3 to the sweet 16 and at least one of those, if not two, to the elite 8 :lsup:
aggies 33-24 at the half :lsup:
southern hangin tough 31-28 4 mins :lsup:
syracuse is playing a tough 2-3 on a&m
jj= steve kerr :lsup:
go southern :lsup:
anyone watching our next opponent? :lsup:
i like the start this tournament is off to... very competative games. everyone that got here has earned it and won some games :lsup:
i am very much looking forward to the a&m-cuse game :lsup:
lets keep all remaining games on this thread :lsup:
i'll be here all night :lsup:
i mean from GW or NCW :lsup:
duke is gonna have their all they want for a second round game :lsup:
i like morrison, but gonzaga = most overrated team in america :lsup:
i hope you guys didnt pick gonzaga to go very far.. IF they win this win a lose is in their future :lsup:
looks like the gonzaga game is going down to the wire :lsup: