Official. Just announced it on ESPN.
It's the fark of Ardian McPherson in the bathroom when he lined up under the center. Now, please don't Captain Obvious me again lol.
I would wonder if the PMAC is big enough for the NBA, but oh yeah, the Hornets had the worst attendance in the league. As long as I'm at LSU I'd...
Yeah, a real rockin stadium is the only thing that the NFL is missing. It's a shame fans just don't seem to care as much about the NFL as college...
It's the same danger here as Miami, Florida, Florida St., Auburn, etc. I don't think Florida St. lost too many rectruits from the hurricanes that...
I'm speechless. I used to pass on that bridge just about every day.
That's great. I hope he doesn't have to take 8 planes again to get here.
I know, it's just a football game vs. North Texas. I was a little shocked at the decision, and I kept trying to find ways to move the game and...
I just graduated this spring, I'm a freshman at LSU right now.
But there are no open dates from now till after the SEC Championship. Cooler heads will prevail, and they'll figure out something.
lol Looks like you missed out on just a little bit. It's OK we got deleated.
That's the Southern Yacht Club on the lake. We used to keep our boat there from time to time. Half the boats are capsized. I have no idea how long...
It's one thing to be excused, but if you miss assignments and stuff it's real hard to catch up in college. This isn't high school anymore.
The bottom line is that Ro is a good QB so any team could use him.
Our room came out alright but the people next to us had a leak in their window and their dad was pissed. We just lost a few shingles on the roof...
We didn't have power in Baton Rouge from about 10:30 to 4:00. I can't see us going back to school any time soon either. This was the most powerful...
I'm at my LSU condo here in Baton Rouge. It's gonna get bad over here, but I'm worried about what's gonna happen down in South Lafourche where I'm...
Kinda/sorta? The defender had both arms around Gamble as he turned around for the pass. The fact that the flag was late is the issue.
A lot of low round draft picks. Clarett was the only star, and he missed almost the whole 2nd half of the regular season due to injury. That was a...
Tressel's a great coach. They seemed like they shoulda lost just about every game in 2002 but they squeaked out each one. That was all coaching,...