This is amazing. Remember OU hasn't lost a regular season game in 2 years. Maybe Jason White was the man.
You don't catch the New Orleans one too in Morgan City?
We have it on Ch. 18 here in Baton Rouge. ABC on Ch. 5 is showing Blanco.
How bout the joke that gave gave Duke a Top 25 vote?
There's no way. Why would they wait till the day or two days before to announce this when it's already going to be tough to put the game on next...
And I don't know about the rest of the guys here, but I still can't cheer for USC.
I guess you're right, I used the wrong word. What I ment was that they'd try real hard and nothing would go right for them. I was hoping that that...
Sad even though Tulane, the Saints, and the Hornets may have no home attendance this year. We really are fortunate that we actually have a home.
I don't care how fired up the players are, adrenelin doesn't make up for sloppyness. I really hope that we won't come out flat like we've been...
[img]Gotta love it!
You know with the liberals in the movie buisness, they're gonna put some idiot as W. I was thinking Earnest if he was still alive.
Sure it will. Hollywood loves making movies that they don't have to put any effort into.
And they almost beat "The Barn"
Sure, there's nothing wrong with the statement, only the fact that if Casey said it, there would be a full page of negative comments. I agree that...
I'd like to jump in here and pose the question, why isn't a statement like that emasculated for being childish?
I would have been bored out of my mind without this board. I don't know enough about politics and what not to post on many of these topics, but I...
If LSU can sustain 35,000 students four days next week, why can't it sustain one football game on Saturday? I would think that it takes much more...
So let's say Tiger Stadium is missing 5,000 people. That's about 5% of the stadium. Is it really worth not having home games to accomidate 5% as...
I know this is an anti-Tulane board, but I say good for them. I would've hated to see college athletes lose an entire season because of this...
Exactly, anyone with enough money to be an LSU season ticket holder, also had enough sence to evacuate. How many seats do you think will be empty...