Vandy just scored: 15-14
I hate to flip-flop but I think we should red shirt Perrilloux this year. He's not ready for SEC defenses yet, and in a year we'll know much more...
Yeah it's my rocker too, it's comfortable haha
It's probably the rocker that Casey sits on when we film it. Thanks for pointing that out, we would have never noticed it.
.....for two practices because he skipped class. Stoops says he hasn't decided if he will will start or not vs. UCLA. Yeah right....
This kid looks like a stud, too bad he had to sit behind Andrew Walter so long. I refuse to think that our pass defense is THAT bad, so USC watch...
I remembered Thunderstruck more than I remembed the winning catch the next morning haha. I knew we won, but I had to watch to replay on COX the...
Sorry I couldn't make it. I was not in a very good state to do a pod cast after the game haha.
Harry Lee didn't allow the Grand Isle chief-of-police into Grand Isle during Martial Law. Doesn't Martial Law mean the cops can do whatever they want?
Yeah I know my accent is bad, but what can I do. I'm going to have to get speech lessons or something. If my accent stops me from making it big I...
I hate Jim Rome is Burning. After a few months or so of refusing to watch his show, I'll forget why I hate it and turn it on for a couple minutes...
I'm sure we can get him on the show. It couldn't be the weekend one cause we record that Saturday nights, but the one during the week should work.
I know, yesterday they told me that we will be refunded regardless, and we would need to buy our ticket from the ASU Ticket Office. Oh well, the...
I understand people's anamosity towards Benson, but why wouldn't any owner want to move his franchise in this situation? His city is a complete...
True. Basically everyone that had their house destroyed is going to get a new job somewhere else and never move back to New Orleans. The poor...
Once the city gets settled back to normal in 5 or so years they're gonna have to build a new stadium whether the Saints are still there or not....
Re: They are tearing down the Superdome? I just heard that too. Well, hate to say it, but this is a perfect time to get the Saints their new stadium.
:olefire: lol He may be one of my fellow Tarpons, but he's with Ole Piss now so he's fair game. :olefire:
O'Keefe said "They are prepared to make travel and hotel arrangements for our team and traveling party." The traveling party may mean that...
Yes, it's still ESPN even though it's in a Pac 10 stadium.