McNeese making another pitching change.
5-3 Tigahs!
Waguespack hits a shot to right! Homerun! Back to back jacks!!!
Ochinko homers to left. 4-3 Tigers
Dean strikes out looking. 2 down.
Pitching change for McNeese. Mitchell grounds out to short to begin the inning.
By the way Lara is pitching in relief for Byrd.
Flies out to right to end the inning. But not before McNeese ties it up. 3-3 going into the bottom of the 6th.
Runner steals second.
Grounder to the runner out at at 1st. Tie ball game.
Foul tip hits Ochinko in the hand. They check him out. He's ok.
Strike out. 1 down. Need the double play.
Bunt that gets by Lara on the mound. Both runners safe. Runners on the outs.
Do yall want me to keep updating or are u listening to the streaming audio?
Double to lead off the 6th for the bad guys.
Schimpf strikes out swinging. Three up three down. Going to the top of the 6th. 3-2 Tigers.
Hollander flies out to right. 2 down.
Haydel strikes out swinging.
Groundout to Mayer at 1st. 3 down.
Weird play...hit to center..all the Mitchell caught it. Ended up bouncing off the wall into his glove.