Pitching change for the Tigers. Louis Coleman coming in for the save.
Ochinko grounds out to end the inning. LSU 6-3 going to the 9th.
Dean grounds to 1st. Two down.
Tried to pick Mitchell off..had him picked off. Bad throw to 2nd and Mitchell scores from first. This guy is FAST!
Mitchell hits one off the 1st basemans gloves and it bounces out to rightfield. Runner at 1st..one down. Its ruled a basehit.
Schimpf grounds to first for the first out.
Dirks strikes him out. Going to the bottom of the 8th. 5-3 Tigers.
Dirks gets him looking. 2 down.
Grounder to Wise at third. Guns him down for the first out.
5-3 Tigers going into the 8th.
Hollander watches strike 3.
Haydel fans. 2 down.
Skills baby :grin:
Mayer flies out to center to begin the inning.
Linescore so far. MSU 3 10 1 LSU 5 7 1
Fly out to Mitchell in center. Three up three down.
Haydel snowcones it at 2nd for the second out.
Dirks gets him looking. One down.
Dirks in to pitch for the Tigers.
Wise grounds out to short. Going to 7th.