I care about one team... LSU I could care less what any other school does. I don't care who wins the National Championship because it's...
I am not writing off JaMarcus Russell!!!!!!! I hope that he catches on and lights up the SEC next year. I hope he's the second coming of John...
Once again, the title of this thread is "Have you written off JaMarcus Russell?" What does my choice of screen names have to do with JaMarcus...
Since the title of this thread is "Have you written off Russell..." I didn't think about putting my feelings on JV down. But since you...
He had all of last year to learn the offense. To practice the little patterns that should be easy to complete. He had all of last year to learn...
I agree 100% with you. I'm laughing my ass off at Auburn right now. I just hope OU wins out and keeps it this way. Then I hope OU goes on a...
That sounds exactly like something Saban would say in a press conference! Hells Yeah!!!!!!!!!
Dingo Gumbo?? BRILLIANT!!!!!! :D
The dingo ate your baby???!!!!
Why in the holy hell would LOUISIANA State University want to win the State of Alabama title? Wow, you guys beat Bama... News flash, so did a...
Hey Aubarn... Let us know if you like the Sugar Bowl as much as we do.
9 games is enough time considering how much he's played and how little improvement he's shown.
9 games should equal some improvement from our quarterbacks. One of our QB's is a senior so he won't be here next year. The other one that's...
5 - 17 passing. If I coached Ole Miss, I'd stack the box because not a single one of our quarterbacks could hit an elephant in the a$$ with a...
Ole Miss is out playing us. Pathetic.
Nice, int ret for a TD. We pass good.
I heard that on ESPN today. I forgot who said it, whoever was with Trev and Mark. They were talking about the LSU/Chicken game and how that "made"...
What? Are you guys serious? We have 3 games left (2 regular season games and a bowl game) and you all are already predicting an undefeated...
Georgia sucks a$$. Plain and simple. They geeked up for us, one game this year, and then showed their true colors. Hopefully The David's will...
How far does Georgia fall? To #10? To #15? Do they only drop one spot because Pollack had a good game? Wouldn't shock me.