It's one of my favorite books, even though it's a Fascist primer. "Atlas Shugged" is also great reading, again the poltics are obnoxious.
Joe Dean has been retired, you didn't get the memo? LSU hasn't been doing things the old way for a while. If someone had mentioned there was...
Skip's running the show; you know it won't be cheesy.
UND's hosting a round of the hockey playoffs in their tremendous hockey facility which spells out "SIOUX" in the seats, on every scoreboard, and...
I didn't know kids with ACT's over 28 went to Tulane, either. Do not confuse Tulane grad programs with their undergraduate school. These are two...
It's been that way for decades
All is forgiven! f-squared, kinda like tuck fulane, but with florida
I was being sacastic. I am underwhelmed by St. Urban
Boiled shrimp
I didn't know kids with 30+ on the ACT's went to Tulane.
The Big East was sorry last year. However, the whipping BYU took from the Utes spoke of the Utah attack. Gee, I wonder if the SEC defenses...
Tuscaloosa? Lee's Tomb (or is it Grant's)? Sure, if you're into sniffing glue.
Re: John Brady's success carries a price: LSU raises prices for men's and women's ho I can't imagine any LSU fan wanting repeats of the blow out...
Re: John Brady's success carries a price: LSU raises prices for men's and women's ho All faults of who? The fans? I guess you'll be happy with...
Re: John Brady's success carries a price: LSU raises prices for men's and women's ho You get it and you see the picture. I was a Brady fan up...
Skip is behind the Tulane contract. It was a fair offer to the Wave: the arena and this date. Tulane would kill to have LSU in the cracker box on...
The January 4 game at Tulane is now a late December LSU home game. The Hornets host the Heat that night, the only date Tulane could land the arena...
Davis has said he's very concerned about handling a double team. Tasmin Mitchell is expected to pick a ton of slack.
But at Tennessee they don't have to attend drug class...