I haven't watch the Arkansas tape in a few months, but wasn't Hester just laying out a stud linebacker that entire afternoon?
Man, who'd thunk that 9-3 was a hangover even FIVE years ago!
I will lay off the ULL comments for a month if you'll kill the high school tag line...
...of their first five games...
The Gators ARE definitely at Top Five team: D-1A Florida college teams 1) Miami 2) Florida State 3) THE GATORS 4) South Florida 5) Central...
This fence thing failed to factor in two major things: 1) Krispy Kreme 2) Phil Phumler. Ed, Tennessee is factor in Memphis for those reason's...
The Louisville line is too low. The Cards will name it and claim it; UK's job search opens the follwoing Tuesday.
Perrilloux is getting as many reps as Russell right now. Russell has stepped it up because of this. Russell is playing "smart", making up for his...
Don't be surprised. I was floored and I am a big Russell fan.
This is killing me...
I'm hearing things that might make this thread a mmot point. Great things
I'm not saying a word, but I am stunned. A true freshman...
Honestly, this injury is a bomb on the national scene. Is the depth the good guys have at running back lost on the national writers? The team is...
I'm biased, I think he is responsible for most of LSU loses in everything from his first day until today. Since I'm not objective, what's feeling...
Folks get personal, power crazed with it. I've been stopped from giving too many positives in a day, though.
Martin Dies and my grandmother were school friends that fell out over union activites in east Texas during the depression. Congressman Dies was a...
At the power end of fascism, personal liberties are carte blanche to those in power, Rand and her heros/heroines. Look into the social structure...
Rather than move along the low road of personal attacks, negative rep points: The Oxford American Dictonary, a book, defines Fascism as, among...
He usually has an envelope in his pocket, too.
"Wolves Eat Dogs" by Martin Cruz Smith (Renko is one of my favorite characters) "The Bomber War" by Robin Neillands (I think Germany got of light...