Purdue's catching some love because of their schedule. I'm just wondering if anyone noticed who their coach was? Joe Tiller could take the...
St. Tammany's looking at a strong cat 2 or 3 storm if it comes between the river and Grand Ilse. The western part of the lake will be Tangi and...
[img] [img]...
She kinda looks like Carson Palmer...
...said the man before the UAB game. One game at a time...
My Picks Middle Tennessee @ Alabama Missouri State @ Arkansas Georgia Tech @ Auburn Wyoming @ Florida Boise State @ Georgia Louisville @...
OK, all due in by 5 PM CDT Thursday (praying I'll have power and internet back by then), pick 'em, no spreads. Middle Tennessee @ Alabama...
Only one answer matters... LSU wins.
BR will see winds of 35-50 if it comes in around Houma, less the further east it comes it. The high pressure is spliting, creating an alley....
Good luck to all. I'm bailing out of Mandeville Sunday AM, with my tickets in hand.
Doc's lil' one is still reeling from learning the art of "Lobby Hangin' In Omaha" from his 8th grade days... It's an experience that'd scar one...
So we can't call Scappy "CHEAP", as in "too CHEAP to pony up"?:rofl:
Geeze, I hate chalk, but... I'll take West Virginia (+1.5)
I think the change with the leaping rule is that player may not land on ANY player this year. I'm pretty sure leaping out.
But I posted this mainly because of the ad. Nice life there in Iowa... [img] Sports > Local[img]Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:09 PM CDT...
Easy to do on excel, so I could run with it. Lemme know.
They aren't too bad when you put them in context of the years before he showed up. Geeze, two postive Brown Suit comments from me in a row. It's...
(SabanFan, are you sitting down?) John Brady is a better X&O's coach than Huggins. UC basketball has been nothing more than streetball since...
OK, if he ended up in Miami, I will start watching pro football. I'm sure the NFL HQ is all a-tingle with that news...
It's great article, considering who wrote it. But one thing hit me funny, the comment about wanting more, more, more national titles: which school...