This Is Just Plain Misery I'm listening over the Internet and it sounds like the guys are giving very little effort. Losing is one thing, but...
Davis is smokin' dope with Ricky Williams?
Which big games would those be? I just looked at his record at Miami. Except for one season, it's fairly ordinary against a loser schedule....
You Are Right On the Money, BMoney I just posted something almost identical to your post on another board. You are absolutely correct: even...
Forgot Something, TD 9. Horrible off-court and on-court demeanor, except, apparently, in recruits' homes. 10. No redemption for players in...
TE, G-Man is Correct The city took a vote prior to Shinn leaving and voted down the measure for a new arena, basically because they didn't want...
We Are in Total Agreement, Loco Bush is a pretty good player, but he doesn't even start!!!! That's right!!! He comes off the bench. This is...
He Must REALLY Hate Foley As much as he loves UF, apparently he HATES Jeremy Foley more. That is gonna be some fun next year when the Gators...
Hey, NCHawk, Where Are You I'm a big Tigah fan over in Asheville. Where's home for you?
Spurrier and Crompton That's actually not far-fetched. I have it on good authority (I live in Asheville) that earlier in the season Crompton let...
Signed Picture of Eli, Eh? I guess Eli must have one of those space pens that writes upside down since he spends so much time on his back!!!!...
Precisely My Thoughts, TW It just seemed like Brady was talking a bit too much about his 'up-tempo' offense. Perhaps it was just a play to get...
You Are Correct You shouldn't be thinking about this right now. We still have four games left for this season, then we have spring ball and fall...
I'm A Bush Voter But I work for a newspaper, so you can just about imagine what the atmosphere is like in this place today. It's about like...
Great Add, BB You're right, I left early. I got wind of another rumor that Jeremy Foley was about to talk to Jackie Sherrill about becoming the...
Wrong On a Point or Two Yes, CNS and the lovely Mrs. flew to Florida unbeknownst to most in his own office, but it was to a neutral site where...
Agree With G-Man Dolphin posters are morons. Did you read the one about LSU having no chance at a title next season? What kind of idiots are...
God bless your dad, Mud. When you and your family need it, remember to ask God to send the help of his angels. They will be there for you.
I would love a rematch with Oklahoma. I would also love to see a game v. Texas. I also wouldn't mind a game against any of the teams from the...
You Guys Are Way Off Saban's gonna give up football altogether. He's going to take over the reins of the NHL and whip those weenie-boy hockey...