I usually come on in the last hour and a half or so...we are supposed to take more calls during this pregame show than usual..lots of hangover from UF
I've been saying they need to bench rolen in place of the Speezer....I feel pretty good after that one
Im happy he found a new home, but you won't be able to pick it up in BR.
well actually, if you count MSSt they have scored more than 13 in conference games. Well, Moo U doesnt count though. They have proven ZERO this...
Its such a joke. How can these freaking coke heads keep getting chances and still be cheered by fans?? You figure with all the steriods and the...
I say pull Rolen out of the damn lineup. The guy is virtually an out every time. Put in Scott Spiezio. Also, find a place for Chris Duncan. I'll...
Best- I really like Notre Dames Uni's. Im also partial to Florida's colors. I think the Blue Jersey's with white pants is awesome. Mizzou all...
Well it actually depends. I dont know when the Network Pregame usually begins but its probably around 3 or so if I had to guess??? Its on 98.1 in...
I think that the Daryl Strawberry whole Daryl Strawberry throwing out the first pitch last nite put a hex on the Cards bats. Wow MLB, allowing the...
If STL loses game one, they have to pitch Carp. If the Cards win, I'd save him for Busch
I actually figured it was Grossman and Huard.
I would rather Rolen just stay on the bench. The offense seems better without him. I know his glove is huge, but I'll take Speizio at the plate.
Not I said the cat. I guess it was a money driven decision. I made very few decisions on the show. All of the **** I thought would be good radio...
I think eventually in the long run you could possibly see a local morning show. I think it would be a good idea. I also think that Condon should...
Rome is tape delayed. Just listen to some of the stuff he talks about sometimes and its obvious that it is tape delayed. I belive his show is 9-12...
only Rome is tape delayed. The rest are live
I appreciate that buddy. Im working on different things now but I'd love to be back on radio one of these days. I would like to have a partner...
I have no clue if that is true or not. I know that Kennedy was an advocate of local talk. He, Ott and Songy are boys and I dont think they'll be...
She was from Vandy I think..shes cute...Katie Anthony maybe??? I just can't get into it. I think I'd have a better chance of enjoying softball...
I am not a fan of womens basketball. I never have been. I wasn't one of these people that hopped on the bandwagon just because they were winning....