I was a contributor for a year but I rarely make it to the board anymore. There is no need for you to have such a negative outburst. If you listen...
Okay so when Buddy, Jimmy or anyone else talks about Miles to Michigan is that okaY? Is it just me that can't talk about it? I got the opinions of...
Dude, you are extremely off base. This guy wrote an story about the way LSU media was handling Miles to Michigan talks. I sent him and email and...
All I did was report what the guy told me on the phone. I never said it was my opinion. If you listen to me on the radio you'll hear that I'm not...
http://www.wjbo.com/cc-common/podcast/single_podcast.html?podcast=sports.xml Jim Carty who writes for the Ann Arbor News was on "The Fastest...
That was not I who made those comments just so you know. Also, we have made some changes to the afternoon drive slot on the Score tha tsome of you...
how you been grad?
I have just finished an interview with Lisa Wathne from PETA. You can find the interview shortly at www.wjbo.com:thumb:
apprently he committed suicide.
Since the West can't win on the road I can see them winning atleast 3 more games. In all honesty the Tigers could still win 8-10 games.
I don't mind Tim McCarver so much. But, he is a freaking idiot with that Fox Trax thing. Jeez..He'll rant about how a guy threw nothing but...
just loving the Tigers??? I can't stand when people consider you a bad fan if you question the coaches or the players or ever get made at anyone....
WTF??? They guy is not great by any means, but he does play hard. He isn't built like the SS of the American League and he doesn't have the raw...
ON PTI you can tell he's just having fun. He says some stupid stuff but he's funny
Tony has fun with PTI. Wilbon doesnt own Tony b/c I really don't think Tony cares. He's just an entertainer.
:dis: Wow, you got it all figured out huh??? I just don't see that happening. It may, but I doubt it.
Theisman comes off as a know it all because he's in the booth with someone who obviously didn't play football so he feels that everything Tony...
Way to go Cards!!! Its all about Speezer..the Cards have scored 20 runs in the post season when he starts..only 8 when he doesnt
WWL should be crystal clear come sun down.
There is no problem with pimping sponsors..they are the ones that pay for you to be on the air...you have to do it....I enjoy listening to Jimmy...