Thanks Red, appreciate it. I heard they were going to paint the whole stadium a while back......anyone know the truth to this?
Ah, no problem man, I was just curious if I had missed it. Thanks for the updates, I really appreciate It.
I cant remember who posted the pictures of the West Upper deck construction....but did I miss July's update?
Rocky and Carlos in Da Parish is a hole in the wall, but relatively popular. Damn good eatin'
Yeah to me he seems like a decent kid. Much better than some juvenille delinquent. Then again, he could actually be very intelligent. I know a guy...
Cross by Liquid Sand
Rappers do that all the time........'tis sad.
I assume Determann is still in?
how many outs?
I didnt notice, but is Mike Fontenot on that list? He is playing for the cubs now, correct?
I believe we did run a zone blocking scheme, but i could be wrong. Justin Vincent is just the type of running back that would flourish in a...
Sammy Joseph the transfer from colorado, atleast for me was the most impressive. I think Mario Stevenson had three consectuive completions against...
The one thing I hate about scrimmages is if the offense does good the defense looks bad and vise versa, so you always come away wondering which...
I'm surprised no one else mentioned this but I was impressed with Craig Steltz he flowed to the ball very well and was in on plenty of tackles. I...
Man I feel sorry for his Momma that day.
Speaking of camouflage. My bro who is stationed in Ft. Drum told me about this new digital camo. Have yall seen this stuff yet? supposedly its...
I dont think he had any control over that. I'm sure they make him go to the hospital even if he says hes fine. They're just covering there arses.
I hope this Rice game has gotten some of our guys out of there hitting slumps. Like Will Harrirs. When he is on, he can slug the damn ball.
I've always kind of liked the gold jerseys. Tell me I'm not the only one.