what the hell.... 2 pt conversion??????????????? i dont believe that i could be any more pissed :olefire: :olefire: :olefire: :olefire:...
... Nice return by skylar
1. OU 2. AU 3. AU
.... he is tied for 1st :cool:
uh..... i voted like 50 times :thumb: :thumb: Im not sure why it let me, but I know that it counted all of my votes GEAUX TIGERS :lsug:...
USC just intercepted a pass.... that didnt last long
.... INTERCEPTION that really helped Oregon State
I turned it on a couple of min. ago..... GO BEAVERS !!!!!!!!!!!! As soon as I saw the score I came here....
I believe its around 57 right now in decatur, alabama... The weather channel says that its supposed to get to around 30 on friday...
well.... a lot of my hatred of ole miss comes from a few "incidences" when I traveled to Oxford last year... but in no way am I saying that I...
I dont really remember this being posted before.... so I ask this question: Who, in your opinion is our/your biggest, or most hated rival?...
... that goes back to show you that almost any team can beat another team in college football, depending on who shows up to play on saturday......
KSU is up by 7... just scored 14-7
Ive heard many Auburn fans that say that USC was better last year... Also, some of my friends up here in decatur were cheering against LSU in...
Thanks soap... awesome video
Good Guys - More than the bad guys :thumb: Bad Guys - Less than the good guys :lsug: :lsup: :champs: :tigerhead :olefire: :geaux:
There is NO WAY that half of the the georgia dome was LSU fans... I was there, and the LSU section took up anywhere from 1/8 to 1/4 of the lower...