From ESPN: Ivan Maisel on Glen Dorsey Someone I don't know on Jamarcus From CFN: Matt Zemek on LSU-Florida SEC Game of the Week Enjoy!
I've heard this also. There's no way that Sugar with 1st pick would select Boise State. If we and Auburn win out, does anyone think this is a...
He's also in the Heisman Watch column on "If the Watchman needed a quarterback from this list for an NFL team, Russell would be the...
So, who do we cheer for in this one? I'm always up for cheering for the underdog, but don't we want UF to be undefeated next week so that our win...
I seriously don't think that after today you could find 5% of LSU fans, much less 30%, who want Flynn to start over JR. What I'm wondering is...
When I was in Durham a couple years ago one of the independent channels showed the JP games. I remember that that channel got bought by...
There's no way I'm cheering for State against LSU. I do cheer for them in all other games, though. I was just mentioning that as an excuse for...
State will be doing all they can to give the game away. In the UAB game I think they fumbled in the red zone at least twice. If they score it'll...
My only road game - South Carolina in 2003. It was right after the Florida game and was the first night the running game was really on track....
My hubbie is a Moo U grad, and so we've been following the games and even watching the Sly Croom coaches show, so here's my take on MSU (will be...
I was thinking this same thing today. Use Flynn in kinda the same way that Georgia used DJ Shockley a couple years ago. Two quarterback systems...
Did you see the comment that was left after the article. Nice. =)
In the 1st half of the Florida-USM game, a Florida receiver catches the ball, runs down the field, and is tackled by USM. There's a 5-yard...
Do y'all know if they'll actually stream the LSU games online since we'd otherwise have to pay for GeauxZone? Then for each of the other roars, replace '1' with the number you want.
Would someone make us a cool men's/women's LSU Final Four wallpaper? (I'd volunteer, but I'm awful at it.) Thanks!
I just watched "The Sports Reporters" on espn and everyone of them picked LSU to win it all. This makes me nervous. But, hey we have the chance...
It's even better if you're a Tiger fan AND a Tarheel fan. =) BTW, if there are any other Tarheels here, check out the John Bunting fake...
I just tried that (seattle zip code) and it said the same two games were blacked out that it had in SC. But, it let me watch the Gonzaga game....
Yep, I'm in SC and they say that CBS is showing two games: UNC-Wilmington, which they are showing AND LSU, which they AREN'T showing. =(