This is a red herring, the hospital sob story. And what obstacles that might exist is no different than any unmarried couple's overstated problem...
I don't doubt that a President Kerry will have an entirely new set of friends to take care of. At the national level, I don't believe there is a...
Well you know us right-wingers. Always fighting against laissez-faire. Failing to embace good old fashioned American libertarianism.
So I guess I understand the prejudiced feelings of people against gays. I don't understand people who feel so strongly about this that they will...
Cotton Bowl, I agree with you on many issues but obviously not this one. That's been the refrain for years now on this issue. The, if you get...
On the homosexual marriage issue, I think the Democrats would do the exact same thing as the Republicans have done. Only difference would be the...
If I was Bush I would make a similar annoucement that Kerry made regarding abortion. Kerry said he would litmus test judges and only appoint...
Amen. I'm beginning to believe Bush is the Ken Lay of politics. And Dick Cheney is his Jeff Skilling and Andy Fastow rolled into one. The...
I'm not directly blaming Bush for the out-of-control Massachusetts Supreme Court. What I'm blaming him for is listening to his advisors on this...
Interesting the way these 2 states operate. Ohio. A bill is introduced in the legislature of the people's representatives who face re-election...
It was Alterman who claimed that the NY Times was not liberal. Sorry if I indicated otherwise. Franken was his tag-team partner. When Alterman...
I haven't bought his books, but I enjoyed Franken in his old SNL days. I thought he made O'Reilly look like a fool. Which is sort of a shame. I...
You need a link to prove that there is a problem with underage drinking in this country? I think you asked for that, but its so incredible, I...
Obviously the mistake the producers of Joe Camel made was to put it in a memo. Never put it in writing. A lesson I'm sure Budweiser took to...
I've seen many a naked breast in my lifetime. Some less offensive than others I must admit. But, that's really not the point, which you...
I saw Alterman on CSPAN with Al Franken debating 2 conservatives including that guy with the bow-tie on Crossfire. I haven't read his book. But...
The FCC is given regulatory authority over the public airwaves. As much as you would want to defer and give away to Big Business, CBS/Viacom does...
I'm firmly in the undecided category. But Kerry has to give me a reason to vote for him. As strongly as I oppose Bush's economic policies. I'm...
That's funny about NAFTA. Opposition was nil on that issue as you point out. They also spend alot more time on stories about individual tax...
It is definitely way to early. And you are right to suggest the country is pretty much split 50/50 between the parties right now, regardless of...