Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I had a Democrat tell me. My apologies for interfering in your feud. I've seen a couple of JD's posts and he's obviously...
Re: Re: Re: Re: I had a Democrat tell me. I don't know for sure what JD was talking about, he has the flair for the overly dramatic. But you...
Re: Re: Re: Gun Nut throws in with Al Qaida I'm sorry, I didn't see where you had a point, I tried to help you by reminding you that you had...
The Democratic Party had members on both sides of the Civil Rights issue in terms of racial interests. The most vehement opposition to equal...
Both the far right and the far left use abortion as a money-mill. The Operation Rescue and NARAL are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but both...
Re: Re: Re: I had a Democrat tell me. I voted for Clinton twice and I don't need talking points to defend his performance as President. The *25...
I think you are working with at least a five year old playbook Cotton Bowl. In a smart move, the Democrats have backed away from attacking...
I don't know about Louisiana Bestbank. I think that is one state that the Republican's will or at least would be able to hang the gay marriage...
The conveniently libertarian Republican's don't explain the giveaways to corporations. Maybe they still hide behind the *it creates jobs* mantra,...
Jetstorm, we know much can happen between now and November. I think too much emphasis will be put on who Kerry picks as VP especially since it...
I believe that is called being heteroflexible. You'd have to consult either the San Francisco Examiner newspaper, law review articles or the...
I'm not in favor of abortion, but agree with you it should be a political question, not a newfound Constitutional right. That is quite extreme on...
I'd be curious from hearing from a rock-ribbed Republican, I think you and myself have made our opinions clear. Does Dick Cheney have any...
I don't know JD enough to label him. But when I see someone post about extreme views with a mainstream US politician, I am always skeptical....
Why, yes, the NEA is getting a funding increase in the latest Bush budget. But, that point was only made by this exec to get the cool factor...
Re: Re: State Farm leaves, Blanco expresses "dismay"... I missed Jindal's extreme views? What were they? While I agree blaming Blanco for the...
The Grammy awards went past 10pm last night so I watched a bit of it that was interrupting the local news. They had some exec give a speech. His...
Cotton Bowl, I really believe the catalyst for going into Iraq was not the supposed faulty intelligence, but solely Dick Cheney. That's not an...
Well if you are a true libertarian, you don't believe in income or sales taxes, unemployment benefits or health benefits provided by the...
I don't live in North Louisiana. I don't work for State Farm. This doesn't effect me one iota. This doesn't effect my job at all. Therefore, I...